Bread from Bread Pitt

Bread from Bread Pitt Cookies from Bread Pitt
Bread Pitt
Stall No. (am not sure what’s the stall no.; will check and let you know soon)
Maxwell Road Food Centre

With no nice smell of the buns baking in the oven, the only thing that caught my eye was the stall’s name.

I bought 3 pieces of bread (see 1st picture above: from L-R: hot dog bun, cheese and curry) for S$2.20 and a packet of chocolate cookies for S$1.80.  Buns were still warm when I bought it but I only ate it the next morning.

The buns tasted really ordinary, something that I can get from any bakery shops.  Only thing I love is the price that I paid for the buns.

The chocolate cookies were so-so too.  Not very chocolatey in taste and a bit dry.  You might say you get for what you pay, but I’ve tasted better ones for about the same price.  But of course the better ones were home-made by a friend. 😀

Maybe I’ll try to eat the buns warm next time, probably I’ll enjoy them better. Then again, it’s a maybe only.


One response to “Bread from Bread Pitt

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